
Showing posts from April, 2024
 So, in 2000 I moved to Aotearoa and married a kiwi. This was the time for many young Russian people who thought that grass is always greener on the other side. Not much changed for almost a quarter of a century, as they say we live in cycles roughly a couple or three decades. History repeats they say it surely does. Why Aotearoa you might ask me... By accident although no accidents in life. Guess it was written in my destiny books. My folks were bookworms and I had a book which I kept closer to me as it was about etiquette and rules of behaviour, so I read for the first time about how indigenous people in New Zealand are greeting each other rubbing their noses, hongi. I think I was challenged or pushed to get to Aotearoa by my friend or a couple of them to be more specific. They didn't know each other by the way, so they never met nor they could have discussed this. Once I was chatting to my old friend and she asked me where I see myself living in the future and I said that I pict

Finally my blog is born

 You know how you are hesitant to start something new by exposing the truth about you and your life. well, finally I realised there is nothing to loose.  I am here to tell my story about my life of a middle aged individual who lived in three different countries in different continents; Eastern Europe, South East Asia and Oceania. I was born in Russia then I moved to Aotearoa or New Zealand, and finally to Taiwan.